Saturday, September 8, 2007

Catching Everyone up to Speed

With all of the Family member's blogs it is hard to keep up with the news, so I am going to post the latest updates here, in one centralized post. As it is with life, everyone has been busy as usual, now that the weather has been nice. The greenhouse crops have been awesome. Mom's and Al's gardens produced lots of veggies. Both Al's and Mom's Goji Berry bushes have blossoms, none on Boo's. Boo hoo! Everyone has enjoyed sun, warmth, summer! The temps are quickly changing though, as fall is settling in upon us. Won't be long and a few of us will have snow!

Mom and Jack harvested Wednesday night so the grapes are gone to market. Yeah!!!!! Now they are going to take a vacation and head to Mexico.

Al is having knee surgery next week so he will be recovering for a few weeks. He also started a diet and is doing terrific! Way to go Al!!!!!! Spam is still a Spammie-roid. Al reported (a week ago) that she found a fresh pile of cow dung and had quite the time rolling in it..... coming home very stinky. Yucky poo!

Everyone now knows that I have a new litter of puppies... woo hoo! They are 5 days old now and I just took current pics for anyone who wants to see them.

Steve got a raise, so he is jazzed!

Haven't heard from Shannon, so don't know what is new there....

Haven't heard from Bill, Tom or news of Barb either, so??????

So that's all folks, unless someone sends me some more news to report.

I hope everyone is out enjoying the last bit of summer and good weather that we will have for awhile. Love and Hugs to all!

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